Payroll Services
If you want a headache - daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly, depending upon applicable state or federal regulations - consider compiling and constructing your own payroll report.
The penalties for late payment, late filing and other errors of commission or omission are ominous. When to file is determined on a per taxpayer basis and depends upon a wide variety of factors. How much to pay depends upon state and federal guidelines that can be confusing and seem contradictory. Your failure to comply can be extremely costly in penalties and time-consuming.
If you own a business with more than five employees, a payroll processing firm might be of benefit, and we can recommend a reputable company.
If you own a business with five or fewer employees, however, Rudolph CPA provides a cost-effective solution. We will teach you how to do your payroll and create your required quarterly and annual reports, including the required W-2 forms. You will know how much to pay, where to pay and when to pay.
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Contact Us
Rudolph CPA
Fax 847-362-1380
1870 W Winchester Rd #113
Libertyville, IL 60048
OFFICE HOURS thru May 17
Mon-Fri 9am-6pm
Saturday 9am-1pm
Sunday - By Appt Only